Conference "Evaluation of blended finance: Challenges and possible ways forward"

From : 15 octobre 2019 - 09h30 to : 12h00

Public blended finance instruments, aiming to strengthen sustainable economic development, is becoming increasingly widespread in and outside the EU. This trend will most likely keep on growing in the context of recently agreed or upcoming policies and instruments such as the InvestEU and the European External Investment Plan. As a result, there is also increasing scrutiny towards blended finance activities and financial instruments, which are sometimes challenged for their lack of transparency and demonstrable impacts.

This SOLEP asbl event, hosted by PwC's Public Sector Advisory practice, aims to raise awareness of the main challenges around the evaluation of blended finance and financial instruments and of the lessons learned about the methodologies applied in existing evaluations.

Evaluating the implementation and results of such blended finance and financial can help understand their underlying complexity and contribute to their improvement. However, this is no easy exercise. Evaluators face several challenges including determining the mobilisation effect and additionality of public support and demonstrating the efficiency of the evaluated instruments.

Irene Basile, Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will present the main findings of the recently published OECD 'Working Paper on blended finance evaluation: governance and methodological challenges'.

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Fabio D'Aversa (PwC) with:
Irene Basile, OECD, Policy Analyst, Development Co-operation Directorate
Massimo Cingolani, European Investment Bank, Head of Unit, Blending EU/Accession countries
- Jürgen Hammer, Social Performance Task Force Europe, Managing Director

A networking lunch will be provided after the event.

Participation to this event is free. Please note that the registration is mandatory and that an identity card will have to be presented at PwC's main entrance in order to be granted access to the event's venue (PwC Crystal Park, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator – click here to access a map).

Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Should you have any question please contact SOLEP secretariat (


Date à définir


PwC Crystal Park, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator



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Registered places: 20 / Capacity: Unlimited

Vous devez vous connecter avec votre compte "membre" pour vous inscrire.

List of registrations

ID Registation date Number of persons Username
88 19 septembre 2019 - 111119 1
89 19 septembre 2019 - 111125 1
90 19 septembre 2019 - 111159 1
91 20 septembre 2019 - 111136 1
92 20 septembre 2019 - 150334 1
93 23 septembre 2019 - 121210 1
94 23 septembre 2019 - 190712 1
95 26 septembre 2019 - 090926 1
96 26 septembre 2019 - 111138 1
97 26 septembre 2019 - 150336 1
98 27 septembre 2019 - 080849 1
99 27 septembre 2019 - 101030 1
100 30 septembre 2019 - 090945 1
101 3 octobre 2019 - 140236 1
102 4 octobre 2019 - 080858 1
103 7 octobre 2019 - 121232 1
104 8 octobre 2019 - 180616 1
105 11 octobre 2019 - 111102 1
106 11 octobre 2019 - 111141 1
107 11 octobre 2019 - 180602 1